Pipe Shields to Bergen/Carpenter & Paterson

Pipe Shields, Inc. Figure Numbers to Bergen/Carpenter & Paterson Figure Numbers Equivalency Chart
The information provided in our equivalency section is a general guide only and should not be treated as a substitute for detailed technical advice in relation to individual circumstances or particular applications of pipe support products. Please contact Pipe Shields, Inc. if you require such advice. PTP/PSI is not responsible for customer selection and/or use of competitor products based on equivalency chart.
Pipe Shields Figure No.Bergen/Carpenter & Paterson Figure No.
Pipe Shields A1000BP8110
Pipe Shields A2000BP8120
Pipe Shields A3000BP8130
Pipe Shields A4000BP8140
Pipe Shields A5000BP8150
Pipe Shields A6000BP8160
Pipe Shields A7000BP8170
Pipe Shields A7200BP8172
Pipe Shields A7400BP8174
Pipe Shields A8000BP8180
Pipe Shields A8200BP8182
Pipe Shields A8400BP8184
Pipe Shields A9000BP8490
Pipe Shields B1000BP8210
Pipe Shields B1100BP8211
Pipe Shields B1200BP8212
Pipe Shields B1300BP8213
Pipe Shields B2000BP8220
Pipe Shields B2100BP8221
Pipe Shields B2200BP8222
Pipe Shields B2300BP8223
Pipe Shields B3000BP8230
Pipe Shields B3100BP8231
Pipe Shields B3200BP8232
Pipe Shields B3300BP8233
Pipe Shields B4000BP8240
Pipe Shields B4100BP8241
Pipe Shields B4200BP8242
Pipe Shields B4300BP8243
Pipe Shields B5000BP8250
Pipe Shields B5100BP8251
Pipe Shields B5200BP8252
Pipe Shields B5300BP8253
Pipe Shields B6000BP8260
Pipe Shields B6100BP8261
Pipe Shields B6200BP8262
Pipe Shields B6300BP8263
Pipe Shields B7000BP8270
Pipe Shields B7100BP8271
Pipe Shields B7200BP8272
Pipe Shields B7300BP8273
Pipe Shields B8000BP8280
Pipe Shields B8100BP8281
Pipe Shields B8200BP8282
Pipe Shields B8300BP8283
Pipe Shields C1000BP8310
Pipe Shields C1100BP8311
Pipe Shields C2000BP8320
Pipe Shields C2100BP8321
Pipe Shields C3000BP8330
Pipe Shields C3100BP8331
Pipe Shields C3200BP8332
Pipe Shields C3300BP8333
Pipe Shields C4000BP8340
Pipe Shields C4100BP8341
Pipe Shields C4200BP8342
Pipe Shields C4300BP8343
Pipe Shields D1000BP8410
Pipe Shields D2000BP8420
Pipe Shields D3000BP8430
Pipe Shields D3100BP8431
Pipe Shields D3200BP8432
Pipe Shields D3300BP8433
Pipe Shields D4000BP8440
Pipe Shields D5000BP8450
Pipe Shields D6000BP8460
Pipe Shields D6100BP8461
Pipe Shields D6200BP8462
Pipe Shields D6300BP8463
Pipe Shields E1000BP8510
Pipe Shields E1100BP8511
Pipe Shields E1200BP8512
Pipe Shields E1300BP8513
Pipe Shields E2000BP8520
Pipe Shields E2100BP8521
Pipe Shields E2200BP8522
Pipe Shields E2300BP8523
Pipe Shields G1000BP8610
Pipe Shields G1200BP8612
Pipe Shields G2000BP8620
Pipe Shields G2200BP8622
Pipe Shields G3000BP8630
Bergen/Carpenter & Paterson Figure Numbers to Pipe Shields Figure Numbers Equivalent
Bergen/Carpenter & Paterson Figure No.Pipe Shields Figure No.
BP8110Pipe Shields A1000
BP8120Pipe Shields A2000
BP8130Pipe Shields A3000
BP8140Pipe Shields A4000
BP8150Pipe Shields A5000
BP8160Pipe Shields A6000
BP8170Pipe Shields A7000
BP8172Pipe Shields A7200
BP8174Pipe Shields A7400
BP8180Pipe Shields A8000
BP8182Pipe Shields A8200
BP8184Pipe Shields A8400
BP8490Pipe Shields A9000
BP8210Pipe Shields B1000
BP8211Pipe Shields B1100
BP8212Pipe Shields B1200
BP8213Pipe Shields B1300
BP8220Pipe Shields B2000
BP8221Pipe Shields B2100
BP8222Pipe Shields B2200
BP8223Pipe Shields B2300
BP8230Pipe Shields B3000
BP8231Pipe Shields B3100
BP8232Pipe Shields B3200
BP8233Pipe Shields B3300
BP8240Pipe Shields B4000
BP8241Pipe Shields B4100
BP8242Pipe Shields B4200
BP8243Pipe Shields B4300
BP8250Pipe Shields B5000
BP8251Pipe Shields B5100
BP8252Pipe Shields B5200
BP8253Pipe Shields B5300
BP8260Pipe Shields B6000
BP8261Pipe Shields B6100
BP8262Pipe Shields B6200
BP8263Pipe Shields B6300
BP8270Pipe Shields B7000
BP8271Pipe Shields B7100
BP8272Pipe Shields B7200
BP8273Pipe Shields B7300
BP8280Pipe Shields B8000
BP8281Pipe Shields B8100
BP8282Pipe Shields B8200
BP8283Pipe Shields B8300
BP8310Pipe Shields C1000
BP8311Pipe Shields C1100
BP8320Pipe Shields C2000
BP8321Pipe Shields C2100
BP8330Pipe Shields C3000
BP8331Pipe Shields C3100
BP8332Pipe Shields C3200
BP8333Pipe Shields C3300
BP8340Pipe Shields C4000
BP8341Pipe Shields C4100
BP8342Pipe Shields C4200
BP8343Pipe Shields C4300
BP8410Pipe Shields D1000
BP8420Pipe Shields D2000
BP8430Pipe Shields D3000
BP8431Pipe Shields D3100
BP8432Pipe Shields D3200
BP8433Pipe Shields D3300
BP8440Pipe Shields D4000
BP8450Pipe Shields D5000
BP8460Pipe Shields D6000
BP8461Pipe Shields D6100
BP8462Pipe Shields D6200
BP8463Pipe Shields D6300
BP8510Pipe Shields E1000
BP8511Pipe Shields E1100
BP8512Pipe Shields E1200
BP8513Pipe Shields E1300
BP8520Pipe Shields E2000
BP8521Pipe Shields E2100
BP8522Pipe Shields E2200
BP8523Pipe Shields E2300
BP8610Pipe Shields G1000
BP8612Pipe Shields G1200
BP8620Pipe Shields G2000
BP8622Pipe Shields G2200
BP8630Pipe Shields G3000