Insulated Pipe Support – Extra Heavy Bottom Jacket w/Extended Insulation – A4000

General Dimensions & Specifications

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Hardware Sold Separately – Note: For higher load ratings, see A6000, A9000. The load ratings represent average values obtained in accordance with accepted methods and are subject to normal manufacturing variations. Dimensions and ratings are subject to change without notice.

To develop maximum load rating, width of support surface should be at least 1/2 of dimension “A” in Table II. Divide “A” in Table II by 6 to find maximum allowable travel on pipe roll (+/- from centered position). To develop maximum load rating, use band, ring or clevis hanger with manufacturer’s load rating equal to or greater than values shown in Table I.

To obtain load ratings for operating temperatures of 500°F and higher, multiply load rating by factor “F” in Table III.
